Cole Kepro International is a customer service dedicated state-of-the-art sheet metal design and fabrication company.
We are committed to providing the highest quality products, services, and experiences for your company’s needs.
Cole Kepro  is 100% supportive of all opportunities for innovation in the industries we are proud to represent.
As a leading gaming cabinet manufacturer,we have  upright video gaming cabinets , sit down gaming cabinets and our XVR Hybrid gaming cabinets available.
Cole Kepro has also achieved Zero Landfill manufacturing with all of our plant fabrication waste being recycled.
We have also begun replacing our shop lighting with high efficiency LED overhead lighting.
Our products feature our fasttrack wiring that allows you the customer to adopt a very flexible and varied CPU platform base, while maintain a very staple cabinet platform. Our Evolver™ cabinet line offers the ability of offering a custom gaming cabinet look for your product but keeping the saving of a volume production machine. All the while maintaining the same internal wiring and components.
Together our Fasttrack™ wiring and Evolver™ cabinet line will get you to market quickly and allow you to keep up with the ever changing casino floor.
Contact for more information regarding the Cole Kepro Products, our visit our website Thank you

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MEI BNR Sale, Cole Kepro is overstocked on the MEI BNR ,

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